I used to be so delighted over the fact that I had at least one blog for every month since I started this blog in 2009...that seems to be over now! It has been months, but I still love this here blog. I love knowing it is here, waiting on me to spill my heart and mind, and doing absolutely nothing else. This space is one of my homes.
my dad sent me this email on my 24th birthday (which was in October, I might add...). It is only a few simple lines, but it made me absolutely weep. and then I tried to read it to my roommate later and I wept again! and then I showed it to my friend, Rebecca and she, knowing my dad since childhood, also got teary. It is simple and beautiful. I hope you love it like I did. maybe you will weep too...
note* my dad was 46 when I was born and I was his first child. That is what he is referencing in the first line...
"My pretty Ashley:
24; The beginning. Forty six years doesn't seem that long, and yet it is. I was fresh out of the the service and into school at 24. A new V dub, my first apartment, riding high. In some ways I can still feel the excitement, only now its just a smile. When you talk of the restaurants and shows, the walks, the people. All new, that's 24. If life treats you right, you too will look back the years, in a quiet moment there will be a smile. Those days of 24.
Happy Birthday 24
Love Dad"
Damn it, he got me again! let the tears flow...good, grateful tears.